Food glorious food
We understand the role good nutrition plays in children's development particularly during these crucial Early Years. All our meals are prepared on site by our professional chef using fresh ingredients. Our menus are overseen by Susan, the owner and manager of Bobblewood Nursery who is also a qualified dietician with many years' experience in paediatric nutrition. We are a Vegetarian nursery with the exception of fish and as such have no meat products on the premises.
Susan and our chef work closely with parents and children to establish the types of meals and foods that children love so that we can incorporate them into our menus. These menus are on a four-week rotation so that children can experience a wealth and variety of different tastes, textures and flavours. Children are encouraged to explore new foods and are praised for all their efforts.
For our babies who are just starting out on their great food adventure, we provide delicious, home-made and developmentally appropriate fruit and vegetable purees. We understand how important it is, particularly for babies, to have an early exposure to a wealth and variety of different flavours, tastes and textures. As such, Susan and our chef have designed an exciting and delicious menu of purees that feature some fabulous flavour combinations and tantalising textures that our babies simply can't get enough of! We work closely with parents to understand the textures and consistencies that are most appropriate for individual babies and their developmental stage. Bottles are given to our younger babies when and however often parents advise.
Special diets
Special menus are designed for children with specific dietary requirements and allergies. Special precautions are taken at the preparation and serving stage to ensure children receive the correct meals. As far as possible, we try to ensure that the meals children with a special dietary requirement or allergy receive resembles the meals other children will be enjoying so that they don't feel singled out.
Friends that eat together
We understand the important social as well as physical role meal times play in children's development. At Bobblewood, we like our mealtimes calm, positive and enjoyable. Children gather together in our beautiful and homely dining room in much the same way as they would with their families and friends at home to enjoy the unifying experience. Children are encouraged to feed themselves and are given lots of praise for all their efforts. It is always surprising just how much more adventurous children can be trying new foods when in the company of their friends!
Every child within the nursery has their own named water bottle or beaker which is available to them at all times whether inside or out. Water bottles are topped up with fresh water throughout the day. Children are encouraged and reminded to drink plenty and stay hydrated particularly during hot weather as part of adopting a healthy life-style.
Learn more about our weekly menu below.