The 2-3's

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Hi! I'm Toby Tiger and I look after the 2-3's 

Our focus in the 2-3’s will be on supporting children in becoming more independent; more independent in their play, more independent in their self-care, more independent in their thoughts and managing their emotions. 

Self care will feature quite heavily in our attentions as we support children who are potty training and starting to use the toilet. Whether your child is a potty training novice or a potty pro, we’re here to help you and your child through this developmental milestone. We understand how  distressing poorly managed potty training can be for children (and adults) so we are here to help make it a happy positive experience for all. We very much take your lead as to how and when you want to start which more often than not is guided by your child’s feelings towards having a go. We will also be turning to you for the specifics; pull ups or pants, potty or toilet, nursery potty or home potty, standing up or sitting down (!) Whatever makes your child happy! We don’t make any child move out of nappies/pull ups who doesn’t want to or who isn't ready.  

Potties aside, there are a great many things to enjoy in the 2-3’s. Imaginative play continues to be an important part of children’s day albeit more sophisticated than before. We offer children lots of opportunities to engage in role play, small world play and  other representative play that reflects their increasingly wider experiences. We will be giving children lots of opportunities to handle a variety of tools for a number of different purposes; for mark making, painting, cutting, gluing, constructing, eating, all with the aim of gaining greater control of children’s fine motor skills. Language and communication development will continue to feature prominently in our day and we will begin looking at early literacy by exploring stories; characters, plots and motivations.