The Rising 3's

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Hi! I'm Boots and I look after the Rising 3's 

Our focus in the Rising 3’s centres around developing children’s independence and on broadening their awareness of the world and the people and communities around them. We will be using story centred topics to help children make sense of what is happening around them.    

We will be supporting children in the development of crucial language and communication skills through stories, news sharing and circle time. Through stories, children will be given the opportunity to explore characters, discuss actions and suggest plot progression. Children will also be supported in identifying their own name and in beginning to spot letters and sounds of significance in their surrounding environment through games. 

We will be engaging the children in daily number games and activities to start building their number confidence. This will involve supporting them in saying number names up to 10, encouraging 1:1 correspondence when counting objects and developing number recognition. We’re very keen to show children that number skills allow us to solve real problems for real reasons so as much as possible we try to make our number work very practical and hands on. The outdoors is a marvellous place to achieve this and we will be spending a great deal of time outside. We will also be introducing children to mathematical language to further support their understanding of number systems  and mathematical concepts such as shape, and measure e.g. big/small, long/short, long/wide etc. 

Children will have lots of opportunities to refine their fine motor skills; using scissors and glue, handling knives and forks, using paintbrushes and writing tools  as well as gross motor skills outdoors during our Wild Nature sessions .